Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Father, can I tell You something?

Lord, I'm so glad....so glad it's BECAUSE OF YOUR MIGHTY STRENGTH, not one of us is missing...left hanging, uncared for, needy.  Help us experience that mighty strength, so we stop trying to find some of our own. (fun search)

What a season this is for me....I'm not sure there's a proper description that fits it.  Lord, surely every season in Your plan has a purpose....right?  I guess I forget when I'm walking blindly again. So many worries, Lord, so many big walls of fearful "what ifs.." Job? WEJC? Continued place to live? Friends? Prayer-partners? Kingdom work? ...and the Most Painful One..? Still just great big, scary signs "stand firm, do not fear, and you shall see the Salvation of the Lord." Faith. It's a scary thing, an airy, childish thing; and the only thing in the world that saves a man. Help us Lord, to climb onto It tonight. You know, Lord, You know how much harder it is when no one is watching, helping, cheering on, encouraging.....when no one even cares...except You. Yes, You care, and You do know.

Thank You...in the Kingdom of Light, every tear ends in a watery grin.

I hear You say it again: "Blessed is she who has believed what the Lord has spoken to her will be accomplished"..accomplished! It's only a matter of time.

I miss You, Lord! I wish You were nearer....after all, there's so much room here, a great big empty room with no one else to contend with Your Presence. Comforting to think that Attracts You, I know it must, weakness and need always do.

Thank You Lord, just for the rain....so beautiful as it sparkles on my window pane. The birds, too...so faithful in proclaiming their Creator's Praise. They just drive home what You were telling me yesterday about the life-giving power of praise, and how You LIVE IN IT! Those birds just seem to understand I can't always....so they help me out; You sure are good about providing helpers...thanks. Thank You so much. There was the radio too, singing hymns that just burst with good solid hope, and remind me that this New Life is about Love, just learning Love, becoming Lovers, and just ENJOYING Love....Jackie Pullinger had a good phrase; " taking deep breaths." Sure is hard to do, but Wow! Awfully wonderful when we can....

I guess that's what I ask for today, Father. For me, my beloved ones, Your whole Family everywhere....

Teach us to BREATHE...DEEP....of Your Love, in Your Presence....worship. What is it really? Such a delightful Life of Rest and Enjoyment.

I love You! I give us all to you, cover us with The Wings tonight, Daddy, in the Shadow of the Almighty....and please, sweet dreams of Jesus.


Your Little One

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